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The Goal That I Keep On My Mind

  Determine a goals that we need is crucial step. We have to know what we want to do and tell yourself everyday that what ever it takes, you achieve that goals, but ofcourse in a good way. I have a dream, that I want to be a part of busniness world. I want to help people’s issues. Like imagine helping people through their problems by developing and persuating people ability. So I will show you the step of achiving my dream its called sub-dream: 1. SMPN 2 Bandung 2. SMAN 3 Bandung 3. FTI ITB (teknik industri) 4. OXFORD UNIVERSITY But i dont want to stick to that steps because I believe that Allah must known what’s the best for me.  Big goals, big dream, small steps constantly will achieve it. In 2023, in order to help me manage the steps to achieve sub-dream, theres 4 mindset that I must have. For me, mindset it’s the integral of every action that we takes. 1. Be efective will makes you beat others 2. The most cruel thing: tollerance 3. When you’re on the lowest, consider it as a “plot

[NEWS ITEM] Runner Killed After Lightning Strikes Athletes During Greek Mountain Race

  After you read the news, answer this questions: 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. What does the word “he” on the third paragraph refers to? 3. “ Two fire service rescue squads ascended the mountain”  Change the sentence to a passive voice! 4. The injured runner was airlifted to hospital.” The underline word has a same meaning as…     A. Take     B. Keep     C. Fly     D. Save     E. Convey 5. What can you conclude from the text?


So before we are getting to the facts, I want to tell you guys that I have two cockatoos. their names are Jerico and Kiwi. I love them so much, and if you are interested in them please I would love to hear. So here are 5 most unique facts about cockatoo according to 1.   Cockatoos Are Very Spirited Birds.  Having a cockatoo is a lot like having a rambunctious toddler. They require a lot of your attention and love to push the boundaries at every turn. 2.   Cockatoos Have Interesting Beaks.  While their bite force isn’t as strong as, say, macaws, they still have an impressive strong bite.  That means if your cockatoo ever gets frisky, they can easily tear through your flesh. 3.  Cockatoos Have Impressive Lifespan.  When you commit to a cockatoo, chances are they might outlive you. These birds typically live  from 40 to 70 years.  4.  Cockatoos Have Loud Mouths.  Cockatoos are not quiet birds. They often let out ear-piercing vocalizations. 5.  Cockatoo Pairs Co-Parent Their O


  [TRIP EXPERIENCE]  The best destination that I've ever been to. As a nature lover, I would say these fascinating sites of view are beautiful as heaven. It is  in the north island  of New Zealand. The glowworm is a catch-all name for the bioluminescent larvae of various species. It is these fungus gnats that can be found in massive numbers in Waitomo caves. The fungus gnat larvae cling to rock walls and hunt with long strings of sticky mucus.  So when we got there, we got into the cave. The cave is near to the river so we could get into the boat to see the glowing worms. To be honest, I was scared because it was totally dark, they are not allowing us to take any pictures or even make some noises. But at the same time, I was amazed by the color and the light that gave by the worms. 


[TOXIC PRODUCTIVITY] Fueled by a fear of failure or sometimes the feeling of  being an impostor  who'll be discovered as a fraud at any moment is the constant feeling that toxic productivity people feels.  Taking a break is viewed as weak or a waste of time. Work tasks take priority over the basics: rest, meals, exercise, regular contact with those we love.  According to Quazi, toxic productivity tips over into true burnout when the lines between work and free time really start to blend (or overlap completely). " [That] path to success is ridden with anxiety and depression: We tire easily, complain of aches and pains, and our mindset becomes negative."  


 [LEADERSHIP] We do know that if the world doesn't have a leader, what would it be? We can't imagine how chaotic it is. We don't have to be a leader on a big amount of people that we lead. On a small example, every day we lead ourselves to do something.   I want to share my experience of my leadership as a member of OSIS. For me, it is boring to have a life as a student who just learn academic lessons. I think that every person has to know how it feels to lead a group in order to respect a leader. Being a leader, it's not just telling people what they should do. It's not just public speaking and stuff. For me, leadership is how you understand each member, how you can enter their mind and understand their minds, feelings, opinion as a member of a group. And that's the beautiful benefit of leadership, is how you face a problem on your own second family.